Reiki FAQ

Reiki sessions typically last 1 hour and include a short period of discussion and an opportunity to set particular goals or expectations, followed by a longer period of engaging in the Reiki healing process. During Reiki healing, the practitioner will hold the palms above the recipient’s body while listening intuitively to the energy currents and directing the healing energy of Reiki. No physical contact is necessary. At times, the practitioner may stop to write down mental imagery or ideas that arise in the intuition. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to discuss the process and results.

Since Reiki is regarded as an infinite and universally available energy, the process in no way depletes or burdens the practitioner. In the same way that a simple seed contains all of the knowledge of how to become a plant without exerting effort, so too does Reiki nourish where it is needed without exertion. Reiki sessions also include an opportunity to discuss spirituality and our relationship with it in a flexible manner with openness towards Eastern & Western religions, Shamanism, and modern Esoteric practices.